Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Nike+iPod: Making Exercise Tolerable

I hate working out. No, really. I hate it. A lot. But I hate weight and feeling icky and unhealthy even more, so I force myself to do it. I force myself to run.

But honestly? I invested (a small fortune) in some products and gadgets that make running tolerable. I actually kinda look forward to running. And it's all because of my dear friends at Apple (and the people at Nike, who I don't consider to be dear friends because they seem to be trying to make their workout clothes look really awful and ill-fitted on my averagely proportionate, not-too-large-but-not-too-small body. Booo for that, Nike. Booooo.)

When I first learned of the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, I knew I had to have it. The premise is that you put the little circle thingie in your Nike+ shoe (mine are like those, but with different colors) and plug the little square into your iPod Nano (I bought a black refurbished one). After a brief, painless calibration run, you start exercising. Your iPod Nano displays a special Nike+ menu that allows you to choose a distance-, time- or calorie-specific workout. You choose the kind of run you want, indicate your "goal" (which is in sarcastic airquotes because you can run less or more than the goal and it makes no difference whatsoever) and start running.

A pleasant voice will give you periodic updates on the distance completed and your pace, and you can also press the center button of the iPod to get an update whenever you'd like. The data is also displayed on the iPod screen, but if you buy the special Nike+ Sport Armband, you can't actually see the screen. Which is just as well, because the last thing I have energy for while I'm running is trying to crane my neck around to read the iPod screen affixed to my arm.

(What is NOT just as well is the fact that the armband has a little fabicy cover that goes over the clickwheel of the iPod. Your iPod slips around a bit, and the next thing you know you're canceling your workout when you were just trying to get a freaking progress update. I solved this problem by cutting a big ol' hole in the armband so I can touch the actual clickwheel. It's a problem that's easily solved, but when I'm paying $29 for a piece of fabric that straps my iPod to my arm, I expect the manufacturer to have already worked those things out on my behalf.)

So anyway, once you're done with your run you come home and sync your iPod with iTunes, and iTunes will send your workout data to the Nike+ website. There you can view your runs by distance, time and calories, see how one run compares to another, keep track of total miles logged, etc.

The Nike+ website is, in my opinion, where the real strength of this whole setup lies. My exercise stumbling block is always lack of motivation. If I didn't exercise for three days in a row? Pffft, whole week was shot, might as well just wait until next Monday and start over. But logging my miles and being able to see the total miles I've logged, getting to see my pace increase overtime ... that is freaking MOTIVATIONAL, people. It totally keeps me going.

I've uploaded screenshots of my total runs over time (it's not all of them because they didn't all fit in one shot, but it's almost all of them) and my most recent run to demonstrate the awesomeness of the Nike+ website (and also, look at me and my improved running stats, woo woo!) My distance per run has been consistently higher the last two months, and while I'm still not running the entire 4 miles, I am walking less, thereby increasing my overall pace. My pace during the running parts has also increased. And I would have no way of knowing that if I wasn't using the whole Nike+ setup. Clickety-click on the thumbnails for larger versions of the screenshots.

Unfortunately, motivation comes at a price. I spent $110 on shoes, $109 for a refurbished Nano, $29 for the Sport Kit and $29 for the armband (not to mention the money I dropped on cute workout clothes from Adidas), almost $300 in total. It can be done for less money -- you can buy this instead of the product-specific shoes if you have a pair you're happy with (I did not), and refurbished Nanos are going for as little as $79. So you're still looking at a $100+ investment, but if you really want to get serious about running, it's well worth the investment.

And if you're really enthusiastic about spending money to fuel your workout addiction make exercise more palatable, you can also invest in a video iPod and a season pass to your favorite show to help pass the time on the treadmill. Trust me, there's nothing like a classic episode of Grey's Anatomy to help you forget about the fact that your lungs are about to explode.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sneakers for Work, Sneakers for Play

Throughout high school I purchased sneakers for “work”, meaning for running cross country and playing lacrosse. I couldn’t really rationalize (to my parents) the need to buy both fun and useful sneakers so I stuck with the ugly Sauconys. In college and for a few years after, I didn’t work out at ALL. I avoided running like the plague, so I chose to buy sneakers based solely on appearance. Recently, I’ve been working out using 3 year-old Pumas and 6 year-old Polo Sport sneakers, both of which I had purchased because they were pretty. As a result, my toes were getting numb after about 20 minutes on the elliptical. So, given that I hadn’t purchased sneakers in three years, I decided it was time to buy both useful sneakers and attractive sneakers.

Enter the Lady Foot Locker buy one get one 50% off sale. I looked at a bunch of sneakers, and the most comfortable and supportive sneakers I found were the Nike Shox Saikano+. They support my foot well around the ankle area, and I bought a size larger than I usually wear so that my toe doesn’t hit the front of the shoe when running. (This is important, given that my sister in high school had an unfortunate incident involving sneakers that weren't large enough and toenails falling off.) And these shoes aren't ugly, per se, but they are a little wider and generally larger than I would want for regular weekend wear.

But the attractive sneakers are much more fun. Like most people these days, I went straight for the Pumas. And I found really good looking shoes. I couldn’t find a picture with accurate colors, but the Puma Future Cat Lo(w) sneakers are very attractive and will go with jeans, yoga pants, and probably khakis.

I left the store having paid $162, which included the two pairs of sneakers and six pair of socks.

The Nikes are made to go with the iPod sport kit. I was wondering (Alissa), does the iPod sport kit only work with the nano, as the website suggests? Or could I use my ancient iPod mini?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

A healthy glow...

Blush is kind of an important aspect of my makeup routine. As I have already explained... laziest. girl. ever. My morning routine consists of me putting some concealor (I found new, great stuff, by the way...), mascara and blush. Because I am a pale, pale bitch in the winter.

I love blush. It makes me look like I have a little color and contours my face and shows of my super high cheek bones. I look more rested and it really completes my "makeup routine." If you can call it that.

So, imagine my excitement when I found Smashbox making a new blush. It sounded so fun. Plus, Sephora is emailing me about it every ten minutes or so. They think it is awesome... I clearly will, too. So, I drop $26 on a super awesome gel blush called O-glow.

According to the website this is what it does... "When applied, the skin's moisture activates the energizing Goji Berry-C Complex™. It creates a micro circulatory effect, producing a rosy flush that lasts all day. Completely natural looking, waterproof, preservative and fragrance-free formula glides on smoothly for a healthy, glowing blush that's you, only prettier."

Well, that sounds awesome. I want to me be, only prettier. That is a serious goal of mine. And gel... I am good with gel. Especially gel that glides on smoothly. And I like to look healthy. I am so sold on this.

And then I buy it online. And it comes in the mail. I can not contain my excitement... I try it that evening. And it does exactly what it says it will do. It really is quite amazing. It is a clear gel that glides on smoothly and makes you look just like you do when you are blushing.

Here's the thing I forgot... I look like a clown when I blush. Super freaky kind of look. Bright red... except, instead of being all over like usual, it is confined to my cheeks where I put the stuff.

Oh, and its claim of staying all day... it does that, too. Right through the time when super cute Sean came over to my apartment. And I looked kind of like a circus freak. Or, like I was embarrassed. Which, actually, I was... so, I guess it all worked out.

Anyway, I will be taking O-Glow back. Because while it does exactly what it claims and does it extremely well... not such a great look for me.

Ladies, I know several of you also tried or are trying this stuff. Anyone else like the look it gave them? Anyone not end up like a clown?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

iTunes is good for the soul!

This is not a post specifically about iTunes, but rather the great songs you can download for $.99. And, I ask for iTunes gift cards for every holiday, so rarely do I actually pay for the music (and videos) that I download. Currently, I am paying for songs and have recently downloaded a number of songs that I thoroughly enjoy. Perhaps you would enjoy them too, so here are my descriptions:

Gwen Stefani: The Sweet Escape. Normally, Gwen Stefani’s music annoys me to the point of changing the radio station when her music is playing. However, I think this song is great! It has an odd 80s vibe, and, although she semi-raps about a refrigerator repeatedly, the song has a great beat and I can’t listen to it enough!

Nickelback: Rock Star. I do not wish to hear or read about how much you all (excluding Victoria) hate Nickelback. I am taking advantage of this forum to tell you that this is a great song. Although I’ve only heard it on the radio once, I downloaded it right away and I think it has the potential to be a hit. I could describe the song, but frankly it sounds like all other Nickelback songs. So, if you like Nickelback, this is a sure bet.

Blue October: Into the Ocean. This song is calm and good to listen to while stretching or when you’re generally trying to relax. This song, and other songs by Blue October, has a pace similar to Justin’s What Goes Around, but sounds nothing like him. Apparently I’m not very good at describing music. But if you’re looking for a medium-paced, melodic song, this is a good one to check out.

Bob Seger: Night Moves. Sometimes I find there are songs I’ve known and loved for forever, but one day realize I’ve never downloaded. This is one such song. I’m sure you know it, and this is more to serve as a reminder to think about songs that mean something to you but aren’t necessarily the newest or most popular songs.

I'm also loving Fall Out Boy’s This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race because it actually vaguely resembles rock music.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Baby, it's cold outside...

Well, 2 of the 3 locales we Barstars grace with our rent checks are covered in a lovely layer of snow or ice. And, it is cold in Texas... so, this is a timely post.

I have what you might call a snow day, today. One of those great days where I pretend to work from home while sitting in bed and talking on IM. It is like regular work with more comfort. And less bras.

So, I have compiled a list of what you need to make your Snow day awesome. And, the great thing is... you don't have to just bring these out for days like today. You can use this stuff all the time!

First, you the perfect snow day outfit. I am a fan of all things warm and fuzzy, so I say start with slippers. If your feet are cold, well... you are screwed. Today, I am wearing great socks... purple striped and fuzzy. They are from Nordstrom. They were $6. And they are perfect. Apparently, Nordstrom doesn't sell fuzzy socks online. You will have to believe me when I tell you they are awesome.

Next, you need to cover the rest of your body. Since you are cold, you are going to want to wear pants. I know this sucks, Katie. Suck it up... you want to be warm. Here is where I learned the problem with needing pictures of things for the blog. I wear "The Pants." The Pants are yoga pants I have had for about 4 years. And I love them dearly. And if you come between me and my happiness with the pants... well, we will have words. But there are no pictures of the pants. No other pants can live up to MY Pants. So, I will have to find you a substitute. I like these. Because these girls look warm. I guess it could be their tropical locale... but whatever. On top, I like sweatshirts. I have one like this that I stole. It is warm. Sometimes, I wear a fleece instead. You choose... the world is your oyster, my friend.

Now comes the fun part. The accoutrement. You need some tea. I like this tea. It is yummy and not terribly expensive and I love the little triangle bags. So fun and a complete waste of money I assume. Great times.

Next, you need a great blanket. I have a lot of blankets. I have my comforter that I love, I have an afghan. I have a fleece throw. But, nothing compares to this. Mine is deep pink, but you get the idea. It is warm, yet light and soft and fabulous. Perfect for snuggling under while you watch TiVo. Which is one of your activities. Because a snow day is a perfect time to catch up on your Law & Order, your Ellen, your Oprah, and your Friday Night Lights you have been saving for a rainy day.

You also need a phone and the number of a good delivery place. I will be feasting on my ever favorite chicken with broccoli.

Other essentials you may need. I am a fan of fingerless gloves. They are great when you get cold, but still want to type. Or, work on your manicure. Katie loves a hair dryer to keep her feet warm. Sounds good to me. Also, good for drying that wet nailpolish! Also, for those afternoon naps, I like sleeping masks. This one is filled with lavender scents and doesn't leave annoying lines in your hair. And, finally, my computer gets me through the boredom. Because you need to talk to friends on IM, read up in the days news, and check the weather to know if you'll be home again tomorrow. Or, if you'll have to venture out into the snow and cold and ice to make an appearance at the office.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My name is Alissa. I like lip gloss.

Hi! I'm Alissa. I'm originally from a small town in Pennsylvania, where Fashion Bug was the most stylish clothing store within 45 minutes of my home. I always liked clothes and shopping, but I don't think I really knew what that meant until I got to college. That's where I met the BarStars, all of whom grew up in much more glamorous towns and possessed much better fashion sense than I did. But I am a quick study, so after years of tagging along on shopping trips and pouring over fashion magazines, I've overcome my farmgirl beginnings and have turned into a fairly fashionable city girl.

I now live just across the Chicago city limits in Oak Park with my foodie husband, Jon, and our adorable Westie, Nico. I love high-heeled shoes (the higher the better), lightweight merino wool sweaters, stylish winter coats, flouncy summer skirts and slightly gaudy, trend-tastic jewelry. I'm on a never-ending quest for the most flawless foundation, the prettiest pink lipgloss, the best hair volumizer, the perfect bra and jeans that will make my legs look like they go on for miles. I'm also kind of a techie dork, so I'm always scoping out the latest camera/computer/DVR/stereo gadgets. And I'm on a pretty serious workout kick, so I'm constantly on the lookout for cute-but-functional workout wear. So if you have a product that you just can't get enough of, be sure to let me know :)


The first product that I want to rave about it something that Caro turned me on to. Actually, she got it for me for Christmas!

Stila Lip Glaze is, in a word, awesome. But I should preface this by saying that up until the second I tried it, I was hopelessly devoted to Mac Lipglass and had been since I bought my first tube of Dreamy a few years back. It's sticky, which may turn some people off, but I need my lip gloss to have serious grip to it. I am a compulsive lips smusher (you know, when you rub your lips together to redistribute your lip gloss to less-glossy parts of your lips), and glosses that are too slick don't stay put for more than an hour. Plus, Mac Lipglasses tend to be sparkly. And I love me some sparkle.

But Lipglass also tends to be fairly pigmented, so it's hard to find colors that look natural. And a lot of the time, their best colors are limited edition, forcing you to stock up if you want keep using your favorite color.

I was intrigued when I saw the Stila Lip Glazes that Caroline picked out from me, because, well ... they looked kinda bright in the tube. Bright and garish. Bright, garish, and not visibly sparkly. And I thought, boooo. These aren't going to work well at all.

But I put on Starfruit and ... wow. It looked so natural! But so pretty. And very subtly sparkly! It looked like I was wearing clear gloss on top of phenomenally pretty lips. And while I was even more skeptical about Apricot -- I NEVER buy cosmetics that fall into the peach/apricot category -- it looked gorgeous as well. It was more subtle, but still very feminine and luscious and pretty. I went out and bought another color (Raisin, which is currently only available in Japan, unless you're a Sephora Beauty Insider like me), but I'm actually not that happy with it -- it's a lot brighter than I'd anticipated. I guess I should stick to having Caroline choose my colors for me :)

The texture is pretty fabulous as well. It doesn't quite measure up to Mac when it comes to staying power, but it's a close second, and it's prettier, so I'm willing to reapply more frequently in order to obtain The Pretty. And each color has a slightly different mild flavor (or maybe it's just a scent? Now I'm not sure...) to it. It's not like Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers, where you put it on just to eat it back off again, but it's not waxy and gross like some lip glosses.

My only major complaint is the applicator. While I far prefer the brush to a sponge wand, I haven't quite mastered the turn-click system that slowly pushes gloss up from the container into the brush. I tend to click ... and click ... and click ... and then when nothing comes out I clickclickclick and, out of nowhere, my brush is saturated in three applications' worth of lip gloss. I try to reapply the lid and leave the gloss on the brush for later, but it will often drip into the cap, wasting precious, pretty drops of glossy perfection. And that makes me sad. But I'll deal in order to have such glamorous, lovely lips. This former Mac addict is a total Stila convert.

Request for Assistance, Please

Hi! In theory, my first post on a blog titled “Barstars buy…” should be about something I’ve bought, but instead I’m turning to my fellow Barstars—and blog readers, all two of you—to ask for your recommendations. I want to purchase the following items, and would like to hear the brands, types, versions, etc. that you recommend.

Curling Iron

I own two Revlon curling irons that cost about $9.99 at CVS, and they are inadequate. They are old and leave crimps in my hair that should not be there. I do not want to spend a lot of money on a new curling iron, but I want one that’s probably not going to break easily and will be good to my hair. Any ideas?


This is a slightly more difficult purchase, given the price… I currently own a 3 ½ year old Dell Inspiron 5100. It has been good to me, but recently the screen has stopped working randomly. I’d like to start looking for a new computer, but have no idea where to start. My criteria are fairly low price and small size (preferably smaller than 15’). I know, I ask for a lot. But really, all I use a computer for is the internet, so why spend $2,000?


I’m always on the look out for the perfect pants. They are hard to find given that I’m 6’0” and have hips. Most pants too short and/or don’t fit correctly in the hip/waist area. I’m willing to spend a fair amount on good work pants, but have thus far been able to find a brand that I can count on.

FM Transmitter for my iPod

When I first got my iPod, my parents gave me an iTrip car adapter. It never worked well and now it’s broken. So I can’t use my iPod in my car, which is crappy. Does anyone have an FM transmitter they use that doesn’t get a lot of interference?

Thanks for any suggestions! And, I promise, my next post will be about something I’ve actually purchased. I wanted to go to the mall today, but the snow/ice/’wintry mix’ got in my way.

Movies in Your Mailbox !


For fear of being one of only two people blogging(a-hemmmm, attention Alissa, Jane, and Vicky) I tentatively submit one of my favorite things in the world: movies in your mailbox ! I have used Netflix before and currently subscribe to Blockbuster. I love the idea of managing a queue on-line and them shipping me movies. There are different levels of movie-getting from: two out at a time, three, up to eight or something insanely crazy. I am currently on the $14.99/month for 2 out at a time with Blockbuster. I would LOVE to get rid of it, but I just can't. I am a huge fan of TV shows on DVDs and this is perfect, however, I would almost recommend upgrading to 3+ discs/time. Also postage both ways is FREE ! Weeee !

I chose Blockbuster because unlike Netflix, you get a free in-store rental with your watched disc. Instead of you mailing in the disc, the Blockbuster scans it in (giving the website the go-ahead to send you you're next movie) and you get a free rental with your watched disc. Brilliant. Sometimes the wait for new releases from the distribution center is annoying, so instead, I take a watched movie and turn it in for a new release. Easy as pie.

My one complaint with Blockbuster is that their disc turn around time is a little shady. Netflix was so-very fast and I miss their reliability. I could practically set my calendar by Netflix. For me, there is not a Blockbuster distribution center in Austin; my discs come from San Antonio, which isn't that far, but it's farther. Sometimes the wait time is 2-3-4 days, as with Netflix they were here 2 days/3 days max (not counting weekends/holidays/natural disasters).

The Details:
Netflix and Blockbuster (with the prices below, you also get FREE in-store rentals with your mailers) and Netflix
Prices(for both):
$23.99 - 4/time
$17.99 - 3/time
$14.99 - 2/time
$9.99 - 1/time
*Blockbuster also has some limited plans: here

Friday, February 9, 2007

Celebrate good times with jewelry

I am here to write about something I have always wanted. Because I am cheesy and gooey and sentimental. And, I like pretty things. And, I think it is cool to have traditions and quite frankly, this would have been a good tradition to start. You know, if my family loved me enough. (kidding, my family loves me. Please don't call me, Mom. I know you love me.)

Anyway, Tiffany has these things. They are called celebration rings. They are stackable rings that are pretty and diamondy and sparkly. And way too expensive. And, as a marketing tool they are quite lovely. You buy one for someone important to you to celebrate important moments. So you will always remember them. So, you can be lunching with the Newpsies (or the Six Pack Pack, OMG, please get that reference) and they will be like, Look at that stack of rings weighing down your finger. And you can be all, well, this one is in celebration of our anniversary and this one is for the birth of my child and this one was when I joined AA, or whatever really special event you want to remember forever. It is a cool idea.

They have recently jumped this into the several thousand dollar range. When I first saw these it was five years ago they were stackable rings that were sterling with a tiny little stone in them. At that time, they were around $175. Jump forward a few years and these same rings now range from $215 to $265. They have them in emerald, sapphire, ruby and diamond rings and they are so cute. I thought they would be a cool thing for girls my age. Mostly because I wanted them. You get one when you graduate from high school and college. Another when you get your first job. Your first apartment. There are a lot of firsts in a girls life... grandma or daddy should pony up for these rings.

Anyway, hint hint. I heart these.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

For the Eyeliner impaired...

I love eye makeup. Unfortunately, there are several things working against me in this love of eye makeup. First, I am the laziest person ever. Seriously. Most mornings, doing my makeup takes 3 minutes. I am all about mascara, bronzer and maybe pressed powder. And when I actually do my makeup to go out, I don't know how to put on eye makeup. This whole shading thing... not something I know how to do. Eyeliner... it escapes me how to use it in pencil form. I live for long lashes and can at least achieve that with little or no snafus. Luckily, I pull it together well and often get complimented on my makeup. In fact, a few weeks ago my friends fiance greeted me with... "You look so nice tonight, do you normally not wear makeup?" How does one answer that?

Anyway, my secret of getting away with being eyeliner retarded is MAC eye shadows and the best eyeliner brush I have ever used. And trust me, I have tried a lot. This technique was actually taught to me by the beauty editors back in my Seventeen days... so you can trust it came from people who actually do this for a living. Ok, so the brush is this Smashbox eyeliner brush. I have to tell you. I don't wet it. I don't use anything to make it stay on longer. It just does. I use a darker color, usually Carbon or Black Tied on my upper lids and the outer corners of my lower lids. If I am feeling particularly fun, I use Dazzlelight or Retrospeck on the inner corners of my eyes to make them pop. Like I said, I am retarded at shading with eyeshadow, so that is the extent. I finish with my favorite mascara, Sky High curves, which I will talk about some other time. Because it is equally awesome and deserves its own post.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I See London, I See France, I See Katie's Underpants !

Recently, I've been talking a lot about going sans undies. I mean, seriously, if Paris and Britney do it, then it must be cool. Despite my questionable moral heroes, I am a lady and I do wear undies...sometimes. And when I do, I like me some Hanky Panky undies. Pretty, pretty colors, super comfy, and oh-so sexy. I'm a fan of the low-rise thong because my pants are low and nothing is sexier than lots of fabric vomiting out of your pants. I'd post a picture of what they look like, but we're all girls here and we know what a thong looks like, so instead, I present to you the cornacopia of colors:

True story: So I was out in California not too long ago and had worn a pair of Hanky Pankys with some low rise jeans. Well, upon disrobing for bedtime, I guess Hanky Pankys got left in my jeans. Next day I'm walking along the Boardwalk sight seeing and feel something weird on my calf. Yeah. It was my hot pink undies quickly making its way down my left leg. That could have been embarrassing. I mean, how do you explain that to the parents and children riding Beach Schooners(bicycles) along the boardwalk enjoying the sites of Orange County? "Oops. My underwear just came off! Teehehe." or "Surprise ! Girls don't wear underwear !" or "Look Mom, you're daughter's going to grow up and be trampy too ! Don't let this argyle sweater fool you !" Yeah. Dodged a bullet on that one.

The Details:
Hanky Panky low-rise thongs $18. myriad of colors
Available on-line: Bloomies, Neimans, Nordstroms, Saks, ShopBop

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Behold: The Musical Toothbrush

As promised, I am here to write about the most wonderful invention since the pickle: ToothTunes, the musical toothbrush. I was at Target cruising up and down the aisles for things I don't need and came across the musical toothbrush. Here's how it works:
  • You push the start button
  • The toothbrush plays music while you brush. The more consistent pressure and quality brushing, the louder the music is.
  • The music lasts for 2 minutes - the recommended time for brushing
  • You rock out to your 2 minutes of music and you then have sparkly white teeth.
  • Here's an awesome picture with the lovely and talented BarStars Buy model that I found on the interwebz to help explain the phenomenon that is the ToothTunes toothbrush:
  • And a helpful commercial touting the merits of the ToothTunes:

Anyway, now you know HOW it works, you can get insight into WHY I bought it. Well, obviously, it's the coolest. But I was on the phone with Caroline and employed her help to choose the proper song to accompany my brushing extravaganza. Now, I warn you that they are lacking a lot of 'good' choices, however, that was not a problem for me, because I like bad music. Given my choices I chose Aly and AJ "Walking on Sunshine", but upon consulting the website I later learned that there is "Canned Heat" by Jamiroquai (the song Napoleon Dynamite danced too) AND I JUST LEARNED THAT "We're All In This Together" from High School Musical is now out and IF ANYONE FINDS THAT ONE PLEASE GET IT FOR ME, KTHX.

The ToothTunes toothbrushes are available at Target, CVS, Walgreens, and pretty much any other place you can buy lots of stuff that you don't need. Or here on-line. They're $9.99. And they make great presents. I gave one to a buddy and he loves it. Or at least he pretended he did and really that's all we really want anyway, right?

help me spend my money!

here's the deal...kym bought me this really cute ipod case from coach for christmas. i love it, but i already have a coach ipod case (plain black leather) and i just don't need two. so i am going to return it and buy a cute new bag for the spring.

here's where you guys come in...i can't decide which bag to get! all i know right now is that i want a white bag. oh, and i don't want to spend more than $200 out of my pocket. so check out my choices and help a girl out!

  • legacy pouch. i like this one but it's definitely too small to carry on my shoulder.
  • carly demi. they don't have it in white online, but they have it in the stores. the trim is a really dark brown.
  • hamptons hobo. i think this is my fave out of the bunch, i'm just wary of the brass hardware. opinions?
  • leather duffle. kind of plain, but maybe that's better? i'm not sure about the tassle-like things though.
what do you think? comments, please. :)

Jumping right in...

So, I am jumping right in with things I love because I have a lot of things I love and I just keep finding more, so... I am getting away from my point. My point is this...

It is cold outside here. And I don't know about you, but when it is cold, my lips get dry. Not like super crusty gross dry, but more of a tight, could split at any moment kind of dry. Which leads me to lick my lips, which really... counterproductive. So, what is a girl to do? (Or boy... boys can use lip balm, too.)

I use Kiehl's Lip Balm No. 1. It is fantastically amazing and full of all kinds of oils, like Sweet Almond and Cotton Seed and Aloe. I put some on any time I leave the house and have to go out into the cold and before I go to bed. It isn't super shiny and it doesn't have any color and it isn't really sticky either. Also, it doesn't taste like crap. Or anything really. (Like that rosebud salve. That stuff tastes like crap.)

I have tried a lot of lip balms through the years and always come back to Kiehl's. Oh, also, this tiny little jar lasts forever. Like, I have never gone through an entire thing, I just buy another every year because I feel like I should support the company. Because my $5.50 is going to get them through the hard times.

That is all from me for now... Anyone have any suggestions how I end these things? Check you later sounds tooly and not quite right. Peace out is a little to LiLo. What to do, What to do...

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Little Ant That Played

Unlike Caroline, I don't feel like I'm on the Mickey Mouse Club, mostly because my parents didn't get cable until a month ago and I was deprived the normal childhood of watching such television gems like the MMC. However, I do feel like a celebrity who is being interviewed for Teen Beat.

My name is Katie and I am the born and raised Texan. I live in the great city of Austin, home of the University of Texas and me. I too traveled East for undergrad and fell in love with the Bar Stars. I am back in Texas and taking a break from graduate school. I am a lover of pickles, Prada purses, sleep, high heels, and vodka. I LOVE tv and celebrity gossip - I'm convinced this is why Caroline and I get along as well as we do. I don't claim to know what you should buy, but I know what I like and I like to rant about it. I tend to like classic styles and I enjoy primary colors and jewel tones. I don't look super great in pastels, so I tend to steer clear of them. I don't care what anyone says, I think burnt orange looks great on me (hook 'em). I also like a lot of random stuff and for my first post, I will be delving into my love for a singing toothbrush, just you wait.

I think C.O Bigalow Ultra Mentha Lip Shine is great - it tastes good and makes you kiss ready. I tend to wear more silver than gold, but probably because I am prone to losing things and I would feel terrible losing something expensive. On that note, I strongly advocate all party people and aspiring Bar Stars to invest in a party phone. There is nothing worst than going out, having a banger of a night, and then realizing you lost your cell phone. The party phone is a great alternative to taking out your real phone. It will save you much heartache. I love candles, especially Tocca and Tyler Candle Company from here in Texas. I love all things philosophy and am an avid user of their makeup, body wash, lotions, and skin care.

I love the finer things in life and don't mind going through periods of famine to feast. I enjoy good food, nice clothes, and treating my friends and myself. There was that fable about the ant that played all summer while the grasshopper slaved away working to save food for the winter. I'm the ant. Perhaps it's not the best way to live, but for now, it's good times. I might be considered the indulgent Bar Star, but you'll have to ask the others :) I look forward to sharing some of my favorite things here on BarStars Buy !

things i want but can't afford...

or why i need a sugar daddy. whatever.

diamond & platinum shoe charm, $1500, at tiffany & co. this needs no explanation. look at it.

bond no. 9 perfumista's box, $240, at saks fifth avenue. because i like options depending on what
kind of mood i'm in. and the packaging is pretty.

tivona air sling, $275, at cole haan. they look like 4-inch heels, they feel like nike air max sneakers. perfect for both bar star-dom & 16 hour days of walking around a football stadium.

and these, because they are adorable & i can't justify spending that much money on molded almond paste...

marzipan frogs, $32, at dean & deluca. are they not the CUTEST things you've ever seen?!

Why? Because we like you...

First, I should mention that I feel like I am on the Mickey Mouse Club. When they all jumped in front of the camera with their super hot MMC letterman jackets and with a great smile told the world their name. Maybe I just feel like that because it was always my dream to be on the show. But anyway, I digress.

So, I am Caroline. I am a Midwestern girl who transplanted to the East Coast for college. Which, by the way, is where I met all these fabulous girls. We grow them tall and judgey in the Midwest, which is why I am qualified to tell you what to buy. Actually, I am not even a little bit qualified to tell you what to buy, but I buy lots of stuff and would love to tell you about why it rocks. Also, sometimes I will tell you about why things don’t rock. Because sometimes, products you think are going to be truly awesome… well, they suck. And I am anti buying products that suck. Mostly, because I work in non-profits and don’t have time or money to waste on products that just sit on my shelf. Quite frankly, I don’t have that much shelf space.

So, right off the bat, what do I love? I love Essie nail polish, Maybelline mascara, BE makeup removing Q-tips and Stila Lip Glaze. I will tell you all day long about how TiVo changed my life, how a switching to a Mac made my year and how the right cell phone can brighten your day. I don’t wash my face regularly. I am a tooth whitening addict. And I know first hand how MySpace can morph into an addiction. I love celebrity gossip and other people’s blogs. Oh and Target. I love Target. Because Target is the best place in the world. Seriously.

Finally… I love my friends. They are the coolest people I have ever known and I am so glad that I know them and they like me. Because without them, I would have far fewer people to gossip with, to tell stories to and to support me in everything I do. So, trust their judgment. Because they truly have only your best interest at heart. Why, you may ask? Because we like you...

Once upon a time...

It is time to get this party started… and no one knows how to party like the BarStars. We are a group of five girls who know how to have fun and look good doing it. We all bring something different to the table… which is obviously what makes us experts on what you should be buying too. So, sit back, relax, and let us tell you all about things we love, products we buy, shows we watch, music we listen to, places we go, shoes we lust after and fun we have.