Wednesday, February 21, 2007

iTunes is good for the soul!

This is not a post specifically about iTunes, but rather the great songs you can download for $.99. And, I ask for iTunes gift cards for every holiday, so rarely do I actually pay for the music (and videos) that I download. Currently, I am paying for songs and have recently downloaded a number of songs that I thoroughly enjoy. Perhaps you would enjoy them too, so here are my descriptions:

Gwen Stefani: The Sweet Escape. Normally, Gwen Stefani’s music annoys me to the point of changing the radio station when her music is playing. However, I think this song is great! It has an odd 80s vibe, and, although she semi-raps about a refrigerator repeatedly, the song has a great beat and I can’t listen to it enough!

Nickelback: Rock Star. I do not wish to hear or read about how much you all (excluding Victoria) hate Nickelback. I am taking advantage of this forum to tell you that this is a great song. Although I’ve only heard it on the radio once, I downloaded it right away and I think it has the potential to be a hit. I could describe the song, but frankly it sounds like all other Nickelback songs. So, if you like Nickelback, this is a sure bet.

Blue October: Into the Ocean. This song is calm and good to listen to while stretching or when you’re generally trying to relax. This song, and other songs by Blue October, has a pace similar to Justin’s What Goes Around, but sounds nothing like him. Apparently I’m not very good at describing music. But if you’re looking for a medium-paced, melodic song, this is a good one to check out.

Bob Seger: Night Moves. Sometimes I find there are songs I’ve known and loved for forever, but one day realize I’ve never downloaded. This is one such song. I’m sure you know it, and this is more to serve as a reminder to think about songs that mean something to you but aren’t necessarily the newest or most popular songs.

I'm also loving Fall Out Boy’s This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race because it actually vaguely resembles rock music.


Caroline said...

Do you realize the episode of last week's OC was called Night Moves? It was fabulous... and that song will always always remind me of Luke and Julie and their illicit affair! I love Bob Seger.

Katie said...

I love the Sweet Escape ! Mostly because it has Akon ! And we all know how I feel about Akon.

Nickelback! Ha !