Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I See London, I See France, I See Katie's Underpants !

Recently, I've been talking a lot about going sans undies. I mean, seriously, if Paris and Britney do it, then it must be cool. Despite my questionable moral heroes, I am a lady and I do wear undies...sometimes. And when I do, I like me some Hanky Panky undies. Pretty, pretty colors, super comfy, and oh-so sexy. I'm a fan of the low-rise thong because my pants are low and nothing is sexier than lots of fabric vomiting out of your pants. I'd post a picture of what they look like, but we're all girls here and we know what a thong looks like, so instead, I present to you the cornacopia of colors:

True story: So I was out in California not too long ago and had worn a pair of Hanky Pankys with some low rise jeans. Well, upon disrobing for bedtime, I guess Hanky Pankys got left in my jeans. Next day I'm walking along the Boardwalk sight seeing and feel something weird on my calf. Yeah. It was my hot pink undies quickly making its way down my left leg. That could have been embarrassing. I mean, how do you explain that to the parents and children riding Beach Schooners(bicycles) along the boardwalk enjoying the sites of Orange County? "Oops. My underwear just came off! Teehehe." or "Surprise ! Girls don't wear underwear !" or "Look Mom, you're daughter's going to grow up and be trampy too ! Don't let this argyle sweater fool you !" Yeah. Dodged a bullet on that one.

The Details:
Hanky Panky low-rise thongs $18. myriad of colors
Available on-line: Bloomies, Neimans, Nordstroms, Saks, ShopBop


Alissa said...

I own seven pair, in six different colors (two pair are black.) Best underwear there is, end of discussion. Loves me some hanky panky.

Jane said...

But the question is--can you see panty lines under dress pants?

Katie said...

Alissa? Thoughts...