Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Jumping right in...

So, I am jumping right in with things I love because I have a lot of things I love and I just keep finding more, so... I am getting away from my point. My point is this...

It is cold outside here. And I don't know about you, but when it is cold, my lips get dry. Not like super crusty gross dry, but more of a tight, could split at any moment kind of dry. Which leads me to lick my lips, which really... counterproductive. So, what is a girl to do? (Or boy... boys can use lip balm, too.)

I use Kiehl's Lip Balm No. 1. It is fantastically amazing and full of all kinds of oils, like Sweet Almond and Cotton Seed and Aloe. I put some on any time I leave the house and have to go out into the cold and before I go to bed. It isn't super shiny and it doesn't have any color and it isn't really sticky either. Also, it doesn't taste like crap. Or anything really. (Like that rosebud salve. That stuff tastes like crap.)

I have tried a lot of lip balms through the years and always come back to Kiehl's. Oh, also, this tiny little jar lasts forever. Like, I have never gone through an entire thing, I just buy another every year because I feel like I should support the company. Because my $5.50 is going to get them through the hard times.

That is all from me for now... Anyone have any suggestions how I end these things? Check you later sounds tooly and not quite right. Peace out is a little to LiLo. What to do, What to do...


Victoria said...

kiehl's lip balm rocks my world as well. only i use the tube, bc i hate getting the stuff in my nails.

Arlene said...

It's like the barstars sing the songs of my heart. Never has a winter been so cruel on my lips. I'm a strong customer of kiehl's various mouisterizers and deep conditioners, so I'll give this a try.

Alissa said...

How long does this stuff last? Like, will I need to reply after my morning can of Diet Coke? And is it the kind of purposefully addictive lip balms, where you have to apply it the second it wears off or else your lips will turn flaming red and crack instantly?

I have had some traumatic lip balm experiences this winter. Can you tell? :)

Oh, and you could've just ended with the $5.50 sentence (or taken the first sentence of that paragraph and made it the last, to give it a softer finish). You don't really need to do a network-news-anchor-type signoff :)

Caroline said...

Not addictive. Like, I can put it on or not put it on. I do it more preventative then because I have to.

Also, I put some on after lunch and have been drinking a can of Coke since then. I just checked my lips and they are still covered in balm. Granted, there is a little on the lip of the can, but that is expected. But still, mostly on the lips.

Katie said...

I'm glad Arlene commented, because really. This is just our own love song to each other. One day we'll have other readers and we won't be the only ones commenting on our blog.

Anonymous said...

I've never used kiehl's lip balm, but I've heard about it in several places in the past few days (Lucky, here, from another friend) that I think I'll have to check it out. Can I get it at Sephora?

Victoria said...

they don't carry it at sephora but they do have it at most, if not all, nordstroms.